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Willowisp VR


No. of Players: Single Release Date: 2017-11-13 Genre: Action, Indie, Early Access Developer: Will Petillo Publisher: Will Petillo Website: null

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Game Description

Use a pair of light-blades to defend yourself from colorful wisps flying at you from all sides. Cut, thrust, block, and dodge your way through ten levels of intense, swordfighting action. Master your timing, point control, footwork, and peripheral awareness to stay alive. Use the floating mirrors to maintain a 360 degree field of view and never get caught off-guard. This game is highly active, be prepared for a workout!

Some say the Willowisp is a mischievous fairy, some say a goblin, some the haunting spirit of a sinful human. It is known for its fiery nature and its tendency to lead travelers astray. Curious to see the Wisps for yourself, you ventured into the forest. You walked until the sky grew dark and a fog descended. You came across a pond and decided to rest. Then you saw a green light hovering over the water. Its luminance revealed a path of raised earth. The light beckoned you to follow, and so, carefully, you walked the path as it wound through the water.

As you suspected, it was a trap! As had happened to so many travelers before, you had been lured astray by the strange light of the Willowisp to your doom. At least, that was what the Wisp intended. You had other plans. Unlike the others, you knew what would happen and came prepared. You were ready to fight the Wisps and make the forest safe...

Additional Features
Unlockable endless mode for open-ended challenge.
Easy and Hard difficulty settings.
Swap hands feature = lefty friendly!
Island dynamically resizes to your play-space to accommodate large and small room-scales.


Party Time! Demo mode added to Willowisp VR

Having friends over and want to give them a taste of virtual reality...but torn between showing them an easy level that is accessible to newbies vs a harder level that shows off all the features of t

Oculus Touch (with 360 degree roomscale) now supported!

If you have Oculus Touch, are setup for 360 degree roomscale, and have been waiting to play Willowisp VR on it, the wait is over! This actually came as a bit of a surprise to me. To keep things sim

Try before you buy: free demo game added to store!

Based on the research I have seen, publishing a free demo version of a game, while appreciated by players, is usually bad for business: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QM6LoaqEnY But to heck with

MAJOR UPDATE: Art, Sound, and Upgrades!

Hey everyone, This update has been a long time coming. Finding and working with vendors when you don't have much money can take a while, but in this case it was worth the wait! All of the enemies

Bugfix: Button System

Got some feedback that the buttons were difficult to press correctly. Should be much easier now. When you touch a button, it becomes selected, as indicated by the "Press Trigger" text and an intern

Updates and request for comments!

As a developer, it can be difficult to anticipate the experience of your game from the perspective of someone playing it for the first time. That's why it was really helpful to see PhilanthroPwn's vi

Try before you buy: free demo game added to store!

Based on the research I have seen, publishing a free demo version of a game, while appreciated by players, is usually bad for business: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QM6LoaqEnY But to heck with

Get in the game! Mixed Reality support added to Willowisp VR

As the Mixed Reality trailer on the store page demonstrates, Willowisp VR now supports filming in mixed reality! If you have a green screen and familiar with the process of setting up mixed reality

Get in the game! Mixed Reality support added to Willowisp VR

As the Mixed Reality trailer on the store page demonstrates, Willowisp VR now supports filming in mixed reality! If you have a green screen and familiar with the process of setting up mixed reality

Updates and request for comments!

As a developer, it can be difficult to anticipate the experience of your game from the perspective of someone playing it for the first time. That's why it was really helpful to see PhilanthroPwn's vi

Oculus Touch (with 360 degree roomscale) now supported!

If you have Oculus Touch, are setup for 360 degree roomscale, and have been waiting to play Willowisp VR on it, the wait is over! This actually came as a bit of a surprise to me. To keep things sim

Party Time! Demo mode added to Willowisp VR

Having friends over and want to give them a taste of virtual reality...but torn between showing them an easy level that is accessible to newbies vs a harder level that shows off all the features of t

Normal mode added and other improvements

Some players have found Hard mode to be too difficult starting out...and no one wants to admit to needing Easy mode...so I have added a Normal mode to each level--easier than Hard, harder than Easy,