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Dear Retro Friends, A popular YouTuber who goes by the name of Lazy Game Reviews uploaded his impressions of New Retro Arcade: Neon. Without spoiling too much, here is some of what he had to say: "
Hello everyone, So, I know things have been very quiet at our end and now that most of the dust has settled, I’d like to briefly explain what has been going on. Unfortunately, within our team, and
Dear VR Gamers, Cas and Chary played NRA:N and it seems like they had a blast! You can check out the video below: Remember, we now have a Discord channel:
Dear Retro Fans, For those who missed it, please take a look at our previous announcement which goes into detail with what we’ve recently been up to:
Hello everyone, So, I know things have been very quiet at our end and now that most of the dust has settled, I’d like to briefly explain what has been going on. Unfortunately, within our team, and
Dear Retro Fans, For those who missed it, please take a look at our previous announcement which goes into detail with what we’ve recently been up to:
Dear VR Gamers, Our community member “Dozenbeer” (you’ll often see him around the forums helping out) has created a Discord channel for New Retro Arcade: Neon: It is a
Hi everyone, Your feedback is very important to us and that’s why we would love to hear what you think about New Retro Arcade: Neon. Let us know by submitting your review on our Steam Store page.
Dear VR Gamers, Our community member “Dozenbeer” (you’ll often see him around the forums helping out) has created a Discord channel for New Retro Arcade: Neon: It is a
Dear Neon Fanatics, We have some awesome stuff planned for Neon in the future, but for now, here are a few fixes here and there. Enjoy! Major Fixes: Press the HOME button to reload all custom tex
Dear Arcade Gamers, Hi everyone, we have pushed out a minor content update which you can view below: Added - Changed the arcade builder to have a new button "Preview In-Game & Save" when editing an
Dear Retro Gamers, Tell your friends because New Retro Arcade: Neon is now -20% OFF! (Offer ends 8 March) Yesterday we pushed out a Minor Content Update: See full announcement below: http://steamco
Dear Retro Gamers, Tell your friends because New Retro Arcade: Neon is now -20% OFF! (Offer ends 8 March) Yesterday we pushed out a Minor Content Update: See full announcement below: http://steamco
Dear Neon Fanatics, We have some awesome stuff planned for Neon in the future, but for now, here are a few fixes here and there. Enjoy! Major Fixes: Press the HOME button to reload all custom tex
Hi everyone, Your feedback is very important to us and that’s why we would love to hear what you think about New Retro Arcade: Neon. Let us know by submitting your review on our Steam Store page.
Dear Retro Enthusiasts, Tell your friends because New Retro Arcade: Neon is now -33% OFF! (Offer ends 7 April) Future plans for Neon are coming together smoothly and another update will be shipped
Dear Retro Friends, A popular YouTuber who goes by the name of Lazy Game Reviews uploaded his impressions of New Retro Arcade: Neon. Without spoiling too much, here is some of what he had to say: "
Dear VR Gamers, Cas and Chary played NRA:N and it seems like they had a blast! You can check out the video below: Remember, we now have a Discord channel:
Dear Arcade Gamers, Hi everyone, we have pushed out a minor content update which you can view below: Added - Changed the arcade builder to have a new button "Preview In-Game & Save" when editing an
Dear Retro Enthusiasts, Tell your friends because New Retro Arcade: Neon is now -33% OFF! (Offer ends 7 April) Future plans for Neon are coming together smoothly and another update will be shipped