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Greetings adventurers, champions and heroes, wizards, dungeon dwelling neckbeards and the like! I hope summer is going well for you. Thanks to all of you who participated in our recent playtest, we w
Cursebreaker Devblog 4 – When is the next playtest coming out?Hello, gamer-folk! We’ve been a little quiet recently, sorry about that, but we’ve been working hard to get the game into a state that’s
Welcome!I’m Pura, the writer and a developer for our newly formed, Helsinki-based studio Olipa Games and I’m excited to introduce you to our upcoming game, The Black Grimoire: Cursebreaker. It’s an i
Greetings! Starting next week we’re opening an updated playtest version, which includes a bit more freedom to roam and more of an emphasis on the questing experience / main quest pacing. We’re obviou
Greetings fellow medieval adventurers!March has gone by quicker than we expected and we’re still fixing bugs and making adjustments, but…! We’re making progress and I have news; we’ll release the nex
Greetings again, fellow gamer-folk! I’m Pura and I come bearing news of our progress with The Black Grimoire: Cursebreaker. First of all, thanks to all you who participated in our first playtest and
Greetings medieval adventurers and welcome to participate in our updated open playtest which is live now!You can join in by clicking “Request Access” for the Cursebreaker playtest on our Steam Store
Hello and welcome to a small dev diary post about the quest and dialogue design in The Black Grimoire: Cursebreaker. Our game is designed to be an open-world solo RPG adventure; as such it will conta
Greetings all and welcome to a Black Grimoire: Cursebreaker devblog post about… houses! We’re implementing player housing into the game and wanted to share a bit about how they function. You’ll be ab
Greetings once again, medieval adventurers!The day we’re releasing the next open playtest for The Black Grimoire: Cursebreaker is here! The playtest is now live and you can join it by clicking “Reque