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The Succubi Trap


No. of Players: Single Release Date: 2017-10-25 Genre: Sexual Content, Indie Developer: cerebraloverload Publisher: cerebraloverload Website: null

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Game Description

You are trapped in a procedurally generated maze. Use your sword to spill blood and navigate the confusing hallways and corners of The Succubi Trap all the while being chased by a dual blade-wielding demon. Survive and locate the end of the maze, a chamber that is identical to the one you start in, to complete the game.


* Procedurally-generated maze: Each play-through provides a maze with a unique layout. The distance between the starting chamber and end goal chamber is sufficiently large at random to avoid giving players easy escapes.

* Drain-to-trail mechanic: Spill blood to reveal the layout of the maze in adjacent tiles on the minimap and allow the distance counter next to the minimap to signal how far away you are from the end goal chamber briefly (5seconds).

*Succubi Goddess Fire Statue: Roll the dice on reaching ever so slightly closer to the end goal chamber by walking through this power-up or navigate around the confines of its boundaries to pass straight through a hallway.


IP/Copyright Issues halts Experiment, therefore Removed from the Game.

As the title suggests, someone is accusing me of stealing his/her idea and has demanded me to remove the experiment from my 'pathetic attempt of a video game'. I quit. cerebraloverload. At least i