WTC : Relentless Protagonist [SxS] Game Banner Image

WTC : Relentless Protagonist [SxS]


No. of Players: Single Release Date: 2022-09-28 Genre: Adventure, Casual, Indie, Simulation Developer: Triority Interactive Novels Publisher: Triority Interactive Novels Website: null

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Game Description

Relentless Protagonist is an interactive comedy/drama/thriller visual novel, set in a semi-fictional world of secret organisations.

The protagonist and Grendel Jinx are forced to work together - due to the machinations of Grendel's mother - in order to stop an enemy group from launching a devastating weapon on the world.

Unfortunately, the mission does not go to plan, and both the protagonist and Grendel find themselves trapped in the "Pleasant Grove Secondary School", where everyone believes they are transfer students.

After the initial shock, the pair gradually get to know their classmates, and things seem to be going well - at least for a short time.

However, it's not long before teachers and classmates alike are meeting violent ends. If neither the protagonist nor Grendel wants to become another casualty, a way out of their predicament is needed.

Will the protagonist and Grendel be able to solve the mystery ? Are the murders caused by invisible aliens called the 'Enemies Of Civilisation' or something more mundane ?

  • Comedy/drama visual novel thriller, with scenes of graphic violence
  • Game choices affect the ending as well as which secondary story path to follow, with three different endings and two epilogues
  • Anime style characters
  • Internal and Steam achievements
  • Around 102 CG screens in total
  • 79,000+ word story, totalling 6 - 8 hours play. In addition to the main story, two small stories are available on completion of the main game.

With his/her parents held hostage, the protagonist is forced to work with Grendel Jinx to stop a weapon from causing untold damage

Grendel Jinx - a lazy, arrogant, anime-loving megalomaniacal kleptomaniac, she ends up working with the protagonist due to a slight accident involving 'The Council Of The Unseen' helicopters

Mrs. Jinx - divorced after certain events a few years previously, she now works for another group. She still involves herself with Grendels and the protagonist's life, though. Which isn't always appreciated.

Protagonists doting parents. They also harbour a secret


Updated demo

The first update for the Relentless Protagonist has been now been uploaded : Added information screen Updated logo animation Updated in-game story, characters and sound effects

It's been released!

Relentless Protagonist is now available for playing!Hope you enjoy it, and if you have any feedback, please let me know in the forms

Release Date

Everything is going according to plan, so this comedy/thriller visual novel will be released at the end of the month.

Small update

As per a suggestion from the forums, the icons for the Gender Selection screen have been updated. In addition, social media icons have been added to the title screen.

Upcoming Update

The upcoming Relentless Protagonist will have the following updates : Dialogue with parents will now be gender specific Added a new small school section for Days 1 and 2 New side story added Extra ac

Final demo update released

The final version of the demo has been released, and brings the prologue into line with the main game.

Upcoming Update

There will be an upcoming update to this game :Dialogue between female protagonist and Mrs. Jinx will be changed (which also includes the protagonist's parent's dialogue). Dialogue for male protago

Small update

This update removes a check for system locale which is a problem with some operating systems.In addition, a new "Cheat" option has been added for those unable to buy "Recruitment Day". Complete the


A new update will be out around the 14th Feburary


Small story enhancement and fix a display error


Slight bug fix

Update is here

This update contains : Fixed various text problems Some new graphics added New route later on in the game that can lead to a long discussion with ex-class president, and further developments with Gre

Updated Demo

The demo of Relentless has been updated one final time (hopefully)

Small update

Added a couple of new achievements

Demo has been updated

The demo for this game has now been updated, and now reflects what the main game will be like.

A small update

Some grammatical errors and a continuity error has been fixed. In addition, during one of the endings, the in-game GUI was still available when it shouldn't have been.