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Journey of Johann


No. of Players: Single Release Date: 2017-05-18 Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie Developer: Apapappa Games Publisher: Apapappa Games Website:

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Game Description

One day when Johann was asleep an alien spaceship came and stole his ale horn.
He is determined to get it back.

Journey of Johann is an action adventure platformer with puzzle elements.
Make your way through levels and bosses with different challenges and obstacles.
Collect goblets, secrets and beat time trials to unlock player skins, achievement and extra levels.
Use your weapons as tools such as climbing, blocking hits, lighting up darkness and defeating enemies.
The game was designed with speedrunning in mind.

103 levels in total with hours of gameplay.
42 achievements.
2 goblets, 1 secret, Silver and Gold time trials on each level. (with a few exceptions)

Play the game with a controller or the keyboard.
